Monday, February 20, 2017

Birthday Introspection (abridged)

Another birthday.  The childhood excitement of seeing friends, eating cake, getting presents, eating cake (you get the idea where my priorities lie) is now a fond memory, sharing space with the memories of most of the friends who ate cake with me.  (Well, some ate the frosting and ran off leaving their cake otherwise untouched, but that is beside the point!)

If I am honest, I have to admit that I don’t like birthdays much and I’ve started to understand why some folks don’t bother to celebrate them.  A birthday is a sobering reminder of all the things I’d expected to do well before now: find a job I love, buy a house and a yard and make them my own, learn to love a woman and get married, perhaps even begin raising a family, and run off and join the circus.  (Okay, so the last one was never on my list!)  It is discouraging to see where my life isn’t what I planned or hoped and too easy to stop there.

It is clear; however, that birthdays must be about hope for what is to come than regret for things which have (or have not) been.  I’ve had another year to gain wisdom (though the desire so seldom keeps up with the need!), acted upon opportunities to learn to love others better (even if I still have a lot of improvement to go!), and grown in my understanding of personal and professional leadership.  I know that I am here on this earth with a purpose. (even if I don’t always understand or remember it!)  I take comfort in knowing that I am more than who I was last year on this day and I thank so many of you who have made it so.