My last posting got a little more useful than I had planned so I have decided to disguise my thoughts behind a lot more useless information and hope that the entertainment potential increases... Let me know how I am doing.
As the title of this posting suggests, I am starting with a series on how to figure out things. Since I will probably be an old man before I figure out anything about women I am going to start with an easier topic. Today's topic is for women and is entitled, "How to figure out that a guy likes you." (Guys if you do some of these things you might want to CEASE AND DESIST-on the other hand some girls might like this stuff-I dont' really know...) Women-I never claimed that the items on this list are clues of a healthy interest...
A guy might be interested in you if...
He opens his mouth a lot and no words come out and he gasps for air like a fish. (or he might be choking in which case laughing is not a proper response.)
He calls you every 5 minutes. (Okay, so 'likes' may be the wrong word here)
He takes up macrame. (Some guys will try anything...)
He buys you stuff. (A snack or a drink may be suspect to some but a car is a good indication that something is going on...)
He spends hours fixing your car (unless he is simply a motorhead or you drive a very nice automobile)
He gets a tatoo with you name on it.
He talks with an accent when he is around you (but not at all when he is around other people)
He wears clean clothes (Hey, even guys can use stereotypes for humor)
He does dumb things (oh wait, that doesn't narrow it down at all, does it?)
He does your laundry. (heck, I dont' even like doing my own laundry.)
He goes to your younger siblings sports meets, plays, etc. (This doesnt' count for very good friends)
He dresses like you tell him to... (while some fashion advice is useful it can be a lot of fun to deliberately dress the opposite from how some fashionista tells us guys)
Feel free to add to this list. I would prefer that responses are kept only semi-serious since this is intended to be tongue in cheek...
A description might be confusing. I will leave the production of confusion to my blog entries.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Well it has been a little while since I have posted anything here-though after my last posting I am somewhat hesitant to post anything revealing my thought process to any great extent. My attempts to foment debate generally resulted in a disgruntled response or so but nothing more. Thus I have elected to devote this blog entry to lighter topics that are intended primarily for comedic purposes rather than practical application. (I accidentally did make some useful points though-not sure where they came from.) So without further ado, here is my first attempt:
This entry is titled "What makes women attractive." Hopefully it is a bit different than you might expect. This is by no means an exhaustive list and these qualities are not listed in any special order. And if you are a woman reading this-by all means don't take this as a how to list-it is primarily for entertainment purposes. Enough disclaimer...
1. A big smile. There is a cheesy song in Annie that goes, "You're never fully dressed without a smile..." While it could be argued that wearing a big smile to a funeral is not in your best interest, there is a certain irresistable quality in a smile. So many times I have seen women who obviously spent an inordinate amount of time primping and preparing to look their best walking around with a look that says, "I may kill you if you say hello." Since I dont' have a death wish, I would much rather chat with a gal whose demeanor hints that there may actually be some joy in her life.
2. Willingness to challenge in a reasonable manner. I find that many women either try to be too nice rather than attempt to confront a man in his ignorance or they take the other approach and harp on everything that might be taken as immature. A woman who takes the time to tell a guy that he is making her uncomfortable and/or is out of line is usually demonstrating a lot more respect for both herself and the guy than one who puts up with all matter of immaturity and keeps it to herself or goes to her friends later to complain. On the converse, a woman who tries to fix all of a man's faults can be unbelievably tiring to spend much time around.
3. Sense of humor: There is no substitute and no explanation is necessary. (though what one finds funny, another calls a tragedy...)
4. Dressed with discretion: Dont' complain you get the wrong kind of attention from guys if what you are wearing very revealing clothing. If you want to get the attention of a classy guy, dress with class and then act as you are dressed.
5. Do something 'manly.' Can you change a tire? fix a car? weld? do woodworking? Fix the house/apt? While a lot of guys take pride in doing these things for you, showing that you are capable and somewhat able to fend for yourself is a good thing. One caveat-if you can crush a beer can with your forehead, some guys might not be impressed...
6. Learn to cook (something). While it isn't unrealistic to expect a guy to be able to cook (sorry guys), most guys highly value a good meal. Even if you only have a few specialties, do them well and remember that even guys who can cook still appreciate a good meal. (Chef Boyardee doesnt' cut it.)
7. A sharp wit. Some guys are threatened by a girl who is smarter than them. In no way does that mean you should play dumb. Don't pretend that you are an expert in something that you know nothing about (except for comedic purposes) but dont' be afraid to share you knowledge and even engage in some intellectual sparring. Chances are that if you can't engage a guy's mind or he cant' engage yours, you will both get pretty bored with each other very quickly.
8. Humility and Confidence. These two are inseparable. Nobody wants to be around someone who is convinced they are the cat's pajamas but far too many women have convinced themselves that they aren't worth any guy's notice. Be confident that God has created you and you are beautiful while still remembering that you are a work in progress. In other words, if a guy expects perfection from you, you can expect it from him... (I am thinking there is going to be a lot more single people if anyone misinterprets that...)
More to follow some other time...
This entry is titled "What makes women attractive." Hopefully it is a bit different than you might expect. This is by no means an exhaustive list and these qualities are not listed in any special order. And if you are a woman reading this-by all means don't take this as a how to list-it is primarily for entertainment purposes. Enough disclaimer...
1. A big smile. There is a cheesy song in Annie that goes, "You're never fully dressed without a smile..." While it could be argued that wearing a big smile to a funeral is not in your best interest, there is a certain irresistable quality in a smile. So many times I have seen women who obviously spent an inordinate amount of time primping and preparing to look their best walking around with a look that says, "I may kill you if you say hello." Since I dont' have a death wish, I would much rather chat with a gal whose demeanor hints that there may actually be some joy in her life.
2. Willingness to challenge in a reasonable manner. I find that many women either try to be too nice rather than attempt to confront a man in his ignorance or they take the other approach and harp on everything that might be taken as immature. A woman who takes the time to tell a guy that he is making her uncomfortable and/or is out of line is usually demonstrating a lot more respect for both herself and the guy than one who puts up with all matter of immaturity and keeps it to herself or goes to her friends later to complain. On the converse, a woman who tries to fix all of a man's faults can be unbelievably tiring to spend much time around.
3. Sense of humor: There is no substitute and no explanation is necessary. (though what one finds funny, another calls a tragedy...)
4. Dressed with discretion: Dont' complain you get the wrong kind of attention from guys if what you are wearing very revealing clothing. If you want to get the attention of a classy guy, dress with class and then act as you are dressed.
5. Do something 'manly.' Can you change a tire? fix a car? weld? do woodworking? Fix the house/apt? While a lot of guys take pride in doing these things for you, showing that you are capable and somewhat able to fend for yourself is a good thing. One caveat-if you can crush a beer can with your forehead, some guys might not be impressed...
6. Learn to cook (something). While it isn't unrealistic to expect a guy to be able to cook (sorry guys), most guys highly value a good meal. Even if you only have a few specialties, do them well and remember that even guys who can cook still appreciate a good meal. (Chef Boyardee doesnt' cut it.)
7. A sharp wit. Some guys are threatened by a girl who is smarter than them. In no way does that mean you should play dumb. Don't pretend that you are an expert in something that you know nothing about (except for comedic purposes) but dont' be afraid to share you knowledge and even engage in some intellectual sparring. Chances are that if you can't engage a guy's mind or he cant' engage yours, you will both get pretty bored with each other very quickly.
8. Humility and Confidence. These two are inseparable. Nobody wants to be around someone who is convinced they are the cat's pajamas but far too many women have convinced themselves that they aren't worth any guy's notice. Be confident that God has created you and you are beautiful while still remembering that you are a work in progress. In other words, if a guy expects perfection from you, you can expect it from him... (I am thinking there is going to be a lot more single people if anyone misinterprets that...)
More to follow some other time...
Saturday, January 07, 2006
I am not sure that I should post this, since it may be a bit more personal than I generally prefer to make available to the general public. That said, I would actually be interested to get other's thoughts on this topic.
I was spending some time with some friends this evening and the topic came up (as it tends to do in coed groups of singles) of how many of the girls feel uncomfortable with the way that guys interact with them/ act around them. While hardly a new topic, I was thinking about it a bit and got somewhat frustrated. While I am glad that gals often feel comfortable enough with me to discuss these sorts of things I struggle with maintaining the correct perspective regarding my responsibility. Guys are not supposed to be passive but I sometimes feel that it is my responsibility to protect every girl I know from guys who are blind to social cues or simply make the girls uncomfortable. While that isn't the case because, simply put, I can't be everywhere at once and even if I was, I can only do so much anyway. (and I couldn't really do much about the girls I make uncomfortable) I guess I feel a bit overwhelmed, especially in regards to Crossings since I would really like to help teach the guys to relate better to the women in the group and to treat them with the respect they deserve. I don't however, want to be a role model in that area because I hardly think that I am an example they should follow. While some guys might be able to learn how to better treat some of the women but watching me sometimes-they aren't going to learn how to pursue and how to truthfully share your feelings for a woman they care about. I am also concerned that if I were to step out and pursue some of the girls, they might view me in the same way they view serial daters or the guys they don't trust because they are afraid they are just being hit on. Perhaps that is just being cowardly, but it still does bother me. Herein comes the part about Responsibility.
Regarding responsibility: What is my responsibility towards the women of the group? I have learned many of the responsibilities/qualities of a Godly man and am slowly trying to put them into practice. The reality is that there is always more to do and always room to improve. So for this discussion I would like the ask a smaller question: To what extent can I hold myself responsible for the actions of other guys toward women in the group? I have been asked to intervene in situations-sometimes when it was appropriate and others when it was not-but in at least some situations my direct intervention may have helped the situation but did nothing to address the root of the problem. It is like patching cracks in the outside of a bulding when foundation is failing. The building may look good for a bit but it will just keep getting worse without major renovations.
I guess there is a second part to my responsibility question. As a leader and a man who tries very hard to be trustworthy and honoring-especially in his relationships with women-how do I shirk my responsibility by not stepping out and taking the risk to pursue? I initiate, but initiating friendships is not as risky by any means since any rejection hurts a lot less.
While rejection by a girl you are pursuing is lousy, it is much better sooner rather than later (to a point) and doesn't need to be something that is crushing of one's self worth, etc. My worth comes from God, and not from my ability to get a woman to like me or even in my ability to "rescue a woman." (Though "Wild at Heart" does not say that a man is less of a man if he isn't rescuing a woman so much that he may feel that way. ) Truly, I think it is more aptly put that a woman's desire to be rescued must be filled by a relationship with Jesus Christ. That doesn't, however, get me or any other man off the hook in terms of pursuing a woman. We just need to be aware that we will never fill certain needs nor will any woman fill ours.
That said, I still dont' like rejection and I definitely dont' go seeking it... What I am far more concerned about is failing. While failure is part of life, I don't want to fail my female friends, let alone a girl I am in a relationship with. Fear of failure cannot be allowed to prevent me to try. Indeed, fear of failure may very effectively prevent success, and thus lead to the failure of not trying at all. I kind of feel like the expectation of many of the girls I know is that the guy will fail so there isnt' really any point of giving him a chance. I need to face the fact that I will fail but God will hopefully bring a woman into my life who will have patience for my failures.
I was spending some time with some friends this evening and the topic came up (as it tends to do in coed groups of singles) of how many of the girls feel uncomfortable with the way that guys interact with them/ act around them. While hardly a new topic, I was thinking about it a bit and got somewhat frustrated. While I am glad that gals often feel comfortable enough with me to discuss these sorts of things I struggle with maintaining the correct perspective regarding my responsibility. Guys are not supposed to be passive but I sometimes feel that it is my responsibility to protect every girl I know from guys who are blind to social cues or simply make the girls uncomfortable. While that isn't the case because, simply put, I can't be everywhere at once and even if I was, I can only do so much anyway. (and I couldn't really do much about the girls I make uncomfortable) I guess I feel a bit overwhelmed, especially in regards to Crossings since I would really like to help teach the guys to relate better to the women in the group and to treat them with the respect they deserve. I don't however, want to be a role model in that area because I hardly think that I am an example they should follow. While some guys might be able to learn how to better treat some of the women but watching me sometimes-they aren't going to learn how to pursue and how to truthfully share your feelings for a woman they care about. I am also concerned that if I were to step out and pursue some of the girls, they might view me in the same way they view serial daters or the guys they don't trust because they are afraid they are just being hit on. Perhaps that is just being cowardly, but it still does bother me. Herein comes the part about Responsibility.
Regarding responsibility: What is my responsibility towards the women of the group? I have learned many of the responsibilities/qualities of a Godly man and am slowly trying to put them into practice. The reality is that there is always more to do and always room to improve. So for this discussion I would like the ask a smaller question: To what extent can I hold myself responsible for the actions of other guys toward women in the group? I have been asked to intervene in situations-sometimes when it was appropriate and others when it was not-but in at least some situations my direct intervention may have helped the situation but did nothing to address the root of the problem. It is like patching cracks in the outside of a bulding when foundation is failing. The building may look good for a bit but it will just keep getting worse without major renovations.
I guess there is a second part to my responsibility question. As a leader and a man who tries very hard to be trustworthy and honoring-especially in his relationships with women-how do I shirk my responsibility by not stepping out and taking the risk to pursue? I initiate, but initiating friendships is not as risky by any means since any rejection hurts a lot less.
While rejection by a girl you are pursuing is lousy, it is much better sooner rather than later (to a point) and doesn't need to be something that is crushing of one's self worth, etc. My worth comes from God, and not from my ability to get a woman to like me or even in my ability to "rescue a woman." (Though "Wild at Heart" does not say that a man is less of a man if he isn't rescuing a woman so much that he may feel that way. ) Truly, I think it is more aptly put that a woman's desire to be rescued must be filled by a relationship with Jesus Christ. That doesn't, however, get me or any other man off the hook in terms of pursuing a woman. We just need to be aware that we will never fill certain needs nor will any woman fill ours.
That said, I still dont' like rejection and I definitely dont' go seeking it... What I am far more concerned about is failing. While failure is part of life, I don't want to fail my female friends, let alone a girl I am in a relationship with. Fear of failure cannot be allowed to prevent me to try. Indeed, fear of failure may very effectively prevent success, and thus lead to the failure of not trying at all. I kind of feel like the expectation of many of the girls I know is that the guy will fail so there isnt' really any point of giving him a chance. I need to face the fact that I will fail but God will hopefully bring a woman into my life who will have patience for my failures.
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