My last posting got a little more useful than I had planned so I have decided to disguise my thoughts behind a lot more useless information and hope that the entertainment potential increases... Let me know how I am doing.
As the title of this posting suggests, I am starting with a series on how to figure out things. Since I will probably be an old man before I figure out anything about women I am going to start with an easier topic. Today's topic is for women and is entitled, "How to figure out that a guy likes you." (Guys if you do some of these things you might want to CEASE AND DESIST-on the other hand some girls might like this stuff-I dont' really know...) Women-I never claimed that the items on this list are clues of a healthy interest...
A guy might be interested in you if...
He opens his mouth a lot and no words come out and he gasps for air like a fish. (or he might be choking in which case laughing is not a proper response.)
He calls you every 5 minutes. (Okay, so 'likes' may be the wrong word here)
He takes up macrame. (Some guys will try anything...)
He buys you stuff. (A snack or a drink may be suspect to some but a car is a good indication that something is going on...)
He spends hours fixing your car (unless he is simply a motorhead or you drive a very nice automobile)
He gets a tatoo with you name on it.
He talks with an accent when he is around you (but not at all when he is around other people)
He wears clean clothes (Hey, even guys can use stereotypes for humor)
He does dumb things (oh wait, that doesn't narrow it down at all, does it?)
He does your laundry. (heck, I dont' even like doing my own laundry.)
He goes to your younger siblings sports meets, plays, etc. (This doesnt' count for very good friends)
He dresses like you tell him to... (while some fashion advice is useful it can be a lot of fun to deliberately dress the opposite from how some fashionista tells us guys)
Feel free to add to this list. I would prefer that responses are kept only semi-serious since this is intended to be tongue in cheek...
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