Far from being the intro to a rap song or something of that nature, the title of my post is more accurately the reflection of a source of frustration this evening. It is no secret to the majority of people who have made my acquaintance that i like to talk. I would guess that it might take awhile for a conscientious searcher to find someone who could say, with a straight face, that I am quick to the point and that brevity is one of my strengths. While I do enjoy the ability to discuss practically anything and being generally able to converse on a semi-intelligent level about subjects about which I know very little, my primary source of frustration may actually have been exacerbated by my extensive vocabulary. As reason would have it, I expect that I could express myself with some degree of clarity. It seemed; however, that the harder I tried to be concise, the more words I used to say even less.
Admittedly, I was pretty tired this evening. Even a frou-frou frappacino drink did little to keep me alert and awake but perhaps that was due to the crash of the accompanying sugar high. In any case, I am digressing. As I was saying, I was frustrated by my inability to articulate myself this evening in a way that I felt adequately stated what I was thinking in a way that was at least somewhat coherent. In the scheme of things, this evening is of little significance except that it gets me thinking of how frequently I am unable to say what I thinking in words that make sense to the person to whom I am speaking. It is especially ironic as so many of my positions, both professionally and as a volunteer leader, have been in liaison role. I guess that the all-to-common breakdowns in my ability to clearly convey a message that is important to me are a good reminder that we all are learning to be clearer. I just would like to learn faster...
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