Well it has been a little while since I have posted anything here-though after my last posting I am somewhat hesitant to post anything revealing my thought process to any great extent. My attempts to foment debate generally resulted in a disgruntled response or so but nothing more. Thus I have elected to devote this blog entry to lighter topics that are intended primarily for comedic purposes rather than practical application. (I accidentally did make some useful points though-not sure where they came from.) So without further ado, here is my first attempt:
This entry is titled "What makes women attractive." Hopefully it is a bit different than you might expect. This is by no means an exhaustive list and these qualities are not listed in any special order. And if you are a woman reading this-by all means don't take this as a how to list-it is primarily for entertainment purposes. Enough disclaimer...
1. A big smile. There is a cheesy song in Annie that goes, "You're never fully dressed without a smile..." While it could be argued that wearing a big smile to a funeral is not in your best interest, there is a certain irresistable quality in a smile. So many times I have seen women who obviously spent an inordinate amount of time primping and preparing to look their best walking around with a look that says, "I may kill you if you say hello." Since I dont' have a death wish, I would much rather chat with a gal whose demeanor hints that there may actually be some joy in her life.
2. Willingness to challenge in a reasonable manner. I find that many women either try to be too nice rather than attempt to confront a man in his ignorance or they take the other approach and harp on everything that might be taken as immature. A woman who takes the time to tell a guy that he is making her uncomfortable and/or is out of line is usually demonstrating a lot more respect for both herself and the guy than one who puts up with all matter of immaturity and keeps it to herself or goes to her friends later to complain. On the converse, a woman who tries to fix all of a man's faults can be unbelievably tiring to spend much time around.
3. Sense of humor: There is no substitute and no explanation is necessary. (though what one finds funny, another calls a tragedy...)
4. Dressed with discretion: Dont' complain you get the wrong kind of attention from guys if what you are wearing very revealing clothing. If you want to get the attention of a classy guy, dress with class and then act as you are dressed.
5. Do something 'manly.' Can you change a tire? fix a car? weld? do woodworking? Fix the house/apt? While a lot of guys take pride in doing these things for you, showing that you are capable and somewhat able to fend for yourself is a good thing. One caveat-if you can crush a beer can with your forehead, some guys might not be impressed...
6. Learn to cook (something). While it isn't unrealistic to expect a guy to be able to cook (sorry guys), most guys highly value a good meal. Even if you only have a few specialties, do them well and remember that even guys who can cook still appreciate a good meal. (Chef Boyardee doesnt' cut it.)
7. A sharp wit. Some guys are threatened by a girl who is smarter than them. In no way does that mean you should play dumb. Don't pretend that you are an expert in something that you know nothing about (except for comedic purposes) but dont' be afraid to share you knowledge and even engage in some intellectual sparring. Chances are that if you can't engage a guy's mind or he cant' engage yours, you will both get pretty bored with each other very quickly.
8. Humility and Confidence. These two are inseparable. Nobody wants to be around someone who is convinced they are the cat's pajamas but far too many women have convinced themselves that they aren't worth any guy's notice. Be confident that God has created you and you are beautiful while still remembering that you are a work in progress. In other words, if a guy expects perfection from you, you can expect it from him... (I am thinking there is going to be a lot more single people if anyone misinterprets that...)
More to follow some other time...
At what point are you willing to compromise one of these to open the door to your potential person?
It's funny, I believe both guys and girls do it, but we have an ideal mate that has certain attributes that we almost require. A checklist if you will.
I guess what I am getting at is that we sometimes may get in the way of who God is preparing for us. So many are such a hurry to be in a relationship that we leave God out of the equation and invent the perfect girl or guy.
I would say throw out the list. What you don't want to compromise on is values, beliefs, and in some cases priorities.
I would say, let God take over who he wants for you.
Honestly, singleness doesn't have to be all that bad.
Food for thought...
Well I feel like a tool for commenting on my own post, but I just wanted to say that Banks makes some very good points. Just to make it clear, my intent in writing the list wasn't to give a laundry lists for the 'perfect woman.' I was just trying to throw some things out there in a world that seems so focused on appearance...
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