Friday, November 25, 2005

Post Thanksgiving Stupor-Not really

I had a very relaxing Thanksgiving yesterday with a good portion of my relatives from my dad's side of the family. We started eating around 2 or so and broke the meal up into courses until sometime in the evening. Of course we have the appropriate wine with each course. What a pleasure it is to have wine selected by someone who knows what they are doing-as opposed to a hack like me...

Today was a day to chill around the house and of course eat turkey sandwiches and pie in copious quantities-though I did go shopping in an attempt to procure some dress shoes. As usual my oafish feet made my trip unsuccessful but it was good to get out of the house.

On a different note, a very good friend of mine stopped by with her mother. It was good to catch up with her-especially considering she lives in DC and I can never seem to get my act together to go visit her down there. Consequently, I only ever seem to see her up here. She is an amazing young lady and I am consistently impressed by her ability to make her way in a tough business and keep challenging herself to go beyond her comfort zone. Honestly, at times I feel like a slouch compared to her though I guess we are both working our way into doing jobs that we really will love some day. I think that I could definitely stand to learn from her and perhaps borrow a little of her hutzpah...

Anyway, I should go be social with my relatives. Perhaps more on various and sundry later.

Monday, November 14, 2005

This was what I looked like at 5 AM after having stayed up all night in studio my fifth year at Penn State. I am not sure if I should be concerned that I pretty much look the same nowadays when I wake up.. (Photo courtesy of Mindy Cooper. )


So I had a really great weekend up at the alma mater. I went to PSU to see a whole bunch of my friends from the a cappella group I was part of when I was in school. I also met some members who were in the group before me as well as the present group. It was a lot of work learning a bunch of songs I had never sung but it was awesome to be singing again. I really miss that kind of thing. I guess singing with the choruses might be cool but I dont' really want to compete and singing with a bunch of older guys just doesnt' have the same appeal.

It was a difficult thing seeing so many people whom I havent' seen in quite awhile. Several people I haven't even really kept in touch with but when we were all together it was like things were still the same (except they aren't). Several of the group are engaged or married and most everyone who graduated around when I did or before has a real job. It was hard to see so many people I wanted to catch up with while knowing that I only had so much time during the weekend to do so. I did get an extra opportunity on Sunday because I was wandering around State College and ran into one of my friends from the group who lives in Erie. We then ran into another girl from the group. She lives down in Arlington so you would think I would see her more often. It probably doesnt' help that I was really interested in her when we were in the group together and I let her know that in no uncertain terms. It was cool just chatting with her and though I am not sure I ever feel completely normal around someone I had feelings towards at one point, I managed not to be too stupid and actually allowed her to get some works in edgewise when we were talking... Oy vey. I guess that is all I have to say about that for now.

Well actually I do have something else: I have been incredibly blessed to have made the acquaintance of so many of the amazing Godly women I have had the opportunity to get to know at PSU and more recently, at Grace. While at times it can be frustrating since I have formed friendships and really try to serve my female friends-sometimes to my own detriment. Yet, I am very thankful for the opportunities to serve and to build them at at times. They have also challenged me and I hope that the things that they have taught me will some day benefit the woman who will be a greater friend than I have ever had before and hopefully ever will-my wife. I really don't want to go there though-some things are best kept out of blogs and instead written in private journals...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

To be or not to be?

Did you ever run into someone who was so into their work that you wanted to do what they were doing?

A couple of Saturdays ago I went to go look at ornamental grasses at a nursery north of here-Kurt Bluemel Inc. I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Bluemel and he showed me some of the plants that he has collected in his travels. He had grasses from Argentina and Africa and other kinds of plants as well. I guess that was the most inspiring part of my visit was how much he loves his work. His passion for Ornamental Grasses is contagious. Now I have no intention of spending my life in a nursery propogating plants, but I would like to be that passionate about my life's work. I am sick of people who tell me that I am just starting out and therefore I will have to work awhile before I get to do things I like. The people who say that it is just a job are about as bad... I really need to get at looking into other firms in the area. There are a lot of interesting firms that could be cool to work at-I guess that I is easier to leave things as they are-even when changing things will be better in the long run...