Thursday, November 03, 2005

To be or not to be?

Did you ever run into someone who was so into their work that you wanted to do what they were doing?

A couple of Saturdays ago I went to go look at ornamental grasses at a nursery north of here-Kurt Bluemel Inc. I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Bluemel and he showed me some of the plants that he has collected in his travels. He had grasses from Argentina and Africa and other kinds of plants as well. I guess that was the most inspiring part of my visit was how much he loves his work. His passion for Ornamental Grasses is contagious. Now I have no intention of spending my life in a nursery propogating plants, but I would like to be that passionate about my life's work. I am sick of people who tell me that I am just starting out and therefore I will have to work awhile before I get to do things I like. The people who say that it is just a job are about as bad... I really need to get at looking into other firms in the area. There are a lot of interesting firms that could be cool to work at-I guess that I is easier to leave things as they are-even when changing things will be better in the long run...

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