Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Well now that things are calming down in my life somewhat-or rather that I am making time to relax- I have picked back up on doing some reading. I have missed sitting down with a good book and expanding my mind a bit. Most of the time it seems that I am trying to shrink my mind so I don't get bored with the mundaneness of work and at times, my life.

On the recommendation of a female friend who has my copy of "Wild at Heart" I purchased and read "Captivating" by Stasi and John Eldredge. I should start by saying that I expect that there are some of you who would think it is strange for me to read a book written to women. It definitely was a bit unusual and even the gal at Barnes and Noble chuckled when I bought it. That said, I figure that if my reading this book changes your perspective of me greatly, then you dont' know me well anyway so I really don't care.

Anyway, in regards to the book I will admit that it didn't have quite the effect of "Wild at Heart" but that is too be expected as I am not the target audience. I think that I did obtain some useful insights that I hope will improve my interactions with the women I know and will perhaps even help me when I am married some day-assuming I figure out enough to get that far... I think that the most useful thing I learned from the book is that I have a responsibility regarding women's beauty. Now that responsibility is nowhere near the same as that of a man in a romantic relationship but I still have a big responsibility as a single guy. God has been helping me see beauty hidden within or sometime by women I have had the opportunity to meet but I am often loathe to say much for fear of being thought insincere. I do try to encourage but I am sometimes concerned that in my attempts to encourage, I may say things that are so unexpected that the women hearing them will not believe them and will not be encouraged. Or worse, they may think that my encouragement is simply my attempts to win them over.

I guess that the book reminded me that it is okay for me to build deep relationships with women and take big risks to encourage them-even if it does make them suspect my intentions. Guarding their hears is important as is guarding mine and there are some things I am working to change, but on the same token, showing Christlike love requires vulnerability and it is going to have to hurt sometimes. Either way, my job, to some extent is to help them see their own beauty-a tall order and I am glad that the responsibility isn't fully mine and the only One who can do it completely is the Lord.

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